Thursday, January 4, 2018

D&D Character Introspective

My sister just asked me for a description mine & Big Bear's D&D characters...for reasons. I'm sure she is doing something artsy or creative, possibly as a belated Christmas gift. She not only asked for a description of the characters, but also some insight as to how they interacted. I wasn't sure which characters to pick until she mentioned the interaction, and then I knew it had to be our characters from our year-long Princes of the Apocalypse campaign. If you have ever followed one of our live-tweeting sessions (which yes, I know they are not as consistent as they should be--I want to say blame the DMs because our game schedules have become rather irregular, but there are some sessions I totally forget to tweet too), but if you have ever followed along, you will probably recall some of our most amusing tweets came from this campaign, and specifically revolved around Big Bear's character Gary.

Anyway, as I was writing this up I thought it would be fun to share. Maybe it's not as amusing if you don't know us personally or at least our personalities, but I always find it interesting to see how people get into their characters. Now remember, we played these guys for a year so some of this totally evolved during the course of that campaign.

Alright, so Gary & Alana...  
Gary (Gary's Niece, pronounced like Gary Sinese although he acts and looks more like Gary Busey), of the 'S Niece family who owns 'S Niece Whale Oil, comes from a noble background. He is a human fighter with a pompadour, signet ring, and scroll of pedigree (which he carries on his person). He considers himself a hero of the people, but is pretty pompous and spiteful, and in fact goes off the rails very easily (and often hilariously to the players & DM). He is a battle master who wears heavy armor (splint mail I believe) and dual wields (used to be long sword & magic dagger --it lit up-- before he got "Gary's Hammer," which is in fact an iron war pick). He did have small bout as Nautical Gary, in which he carried a sharktooth longsword and mariner's scimitar, fought with a trident, and painted himself blue... He has a love for cheese danish, and carries a bag of torture implements.... 
Alana is a half-elf fighter (who also dabbles in magic, with a keen interest in necromancy--not the evil side though). Previously a soldier, she is now leader of the Knights of Samular (turns out this was basically her birth right, as she discovers to be a descendant of Samular). Her preferred weapon of choice is a longsword, although she has been known to do some damage with a glaive and also tends to carry a great axe, and she is clad is some shiny full plate armor (master crafted). She is also a were-bear, much to the chagrin of her cleric friend, and embraces her strength and abilities rather than sees it as a curse. She & Gary met as escorts to a group of faction leaders. They were 2 of the main fighters in their groups as well as the tanks. Gary, being Gary, saw everyone as beneath him and called her his minion. Despite the implied disrespect, he did think highly of her. They would run into battle together, and when she fell in battle he would carry her unconscious body out (actually, Alana died in one battle and he carried her to a temple to be revived, which was a bit of a rushed process so her right arm is not 1/2 inch shorter). Over time Alana warms up to Gary, and while never truly taking him seriously, does began to joke around with him or at least humor him from time to time. There are many a quizzical eyebrow raised during their time together, and lots of complete disregard of the minion comments. 
Somewhere along the line the whole party became known as Gary's Ramblers. They had the interest of the people and worked to protect them, although their methods were occasionally questionable and their timing not always great

Now, while I have played Alana in a one-shot since this campaign wrapped in July 2016, and am totally open to playing her again in the future, Big Bear claims Gary is retired. Supposedly he has gone on to be an oil lord or baron in his family business, but he keeps an ear to the ground and has sent adventurer's in his stead. I'm hoping one day he'll make a come back.